Sunday 15 November 2015

Red Headed Bunting”

         Red Headed Bunting “Lifer of the day” it was in my wish list since one of my friend share its image and today my wish was fulfilled. Usually every Sunday we used to go for biding but today its special day. Its “Salim Ali Bird count day” After a gap of 20 years BNHS announced the revival of Salim Ali bird count all over the country to commemorate the birth anniversary of “Bird man of India’ Salim Ali. This year date for bird count is Nov 15 so we went to Timbi Lake near Vadodara for birding. It was amazing experience. 2 lifer.. Red headed bunting, Greater painted snipe....and 64 species..
Here is my  birds checklist:
Wood Sandpiper                                     Greater Painted Snipe
Little Stint                                              Red Headed Bunting
Black Breasted Weaver                            Baya Weaver
Red Avadavat                                          Scaly Breasted Munia
Tricoloured Munia                                   Indian Silverbill
Grey Francolin                                        Glossy Ibis
Black Headed Ibis                                   Demoiselle Crane
Black Headed Ibis                                   Indian Pond Heron
Lesser Whistling Duck                            Greyleg Goose
Eurasian Spoonbill                                  Grey Heron
Black Kite                                               Rose Ringed Parakeet
Little Swift                                              Common Hoopoe
Purple Sunbird                                         House Crow
Jungle Babbler                                         Yellow Eyed Babbler
Large Grey Babbler                                  Plain Prinia
Paddyfield Pipit                                        Citrine Wagtail
Tawny Pipit                                              White Wagtail
Little Egret                                               Intermediate Egret
Cattle Egret                                               Little Cormorant
Eurasian Marsh Harrier                              Bronze Winged Jacana
Red Wattled Lapwing                                Common Pigeon
Red Collared Dove                                    Eurasian Collared Dove
Indian Roller                                             White Throated Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher                                   Pied Kingfisher
Green Bee Eater                                         Long Tailed  Shrike
Bay Backed Shrike                                     Black Drongo
Rufous Treepie                                          Wire Tailed Swallow
Bluethroat                                                 Common Stonechat
Pied Myna                                                 Bank Myna
Common Myna                                          Lesser Whitethroat
Rosy Starlin                                               Brahminy Starling
Black Winged Stilt                                     Zitting Cisticola

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